Sunday 9 July 2017


We all have a profound social responsibility to each other with our use of Technology

by Paul Ekwere

Image Credit: The Circle by Dave Eggars
We are at a pivotal point in the history of the human race.
Advances in the areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, data analytics, big data, genomics, mean that as a human race we can do anything, go anywhere, be anywhere, experience it all, achieve great things.

Technology and its many advancements however come with risks. Present and future risks.

The dearth of privacy, the further potential division of society into further distinct and further apart classes based on race, wealth, increasing unemployment, natural (or customised) genomic makeup, cyber crime and advanced cyber warfare to mention but a few are all very real risks that come with our technological advancements.

I could go on. I won't.

Technology can be used for a great many other beautiful things too. A unending list of good things. And in fact, it already has.

Our technology of today, has the power to magnify our good or ill will on an astronomical scale, affecting all around us including ourselves, and further accelerating the course of human history for better, or for worse.

My advice to all including self, is simply this.. Think of the impact... Think of the greater good... Think of Societal benefit more than you do personal gain; Because as with any 'tool' ever employed by homo sapiens, it starts with the heart... It starts with your prime intentions... It starts with you.



Epilogue: My inspiration for this short piece begins with a lazy sunday morning waking up and feeling awful with a nasty sore throat that wasn't there when I (eventually) went to bed at 3am. I decided to take my medication, lie down on my couch and pick a random movie to watch. Netflix seems to have studied enough of my data on movie and series watching patterns to know that I'd love the movie 'The Circle'. I did. I also found it very inspiring. I suggest you watch it too.

Ah, Netflix. You know me so well. A little disturbing when you think about it. Ah well, Touché.

.::. Paulie .::.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Wanna Cry? Don't. Protect Yourself

*** Bite-sized Security Update ***

by Paul Ekwere

Cybersecurity is important.

Nothing brings that to bear more than the WannaCry malware which last week Friday, (12th May, 2017) "hit over 200,000 computers in 112 countries across 28 languages", including critical systems relied on by public services such as the NHS in the UK.

If you're using an older version of the Windows operating system, you may want to download a security patch and update your system's security. You may also want to invest in an up to date antivirus package.

Dowload the latest Microsoft security patches here:


PS: Kudos to @MalwareTechBlog for literally saving the world last week. You're a hero bro & the world needs more 'white  hats' like you!!!


Wednesday 15 February 2017

Tech for The Techie: The Data Science Guide I never had

An Introduction to Data Science - Where do I begin?

 by Paul Ekwere

It’s a very difficult thing to be interested in a very broad and ironically esoteric topic such as data science and know where to begin your research. The most difficult part of any great journey is taking that first bold step.

Unfortunately, not many of us know what that first bold step should be.

Welcome to Data Science 101.

There are quite a few varying opinions on what 'data science' is. Interestingly, the most apt definition I have read in recent days was on wikipedia.

Data Science (definition): " Data science, also known as data-driven science, is an interdisciplinary field about scientific methods, processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured, similar to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)."

As such, a data scientist, may be categorized as one who employs scientific methods, processes or tools to analyze structured or unstructured data to produce results that make the tasks of high level analyses, and drawing inferences and conclusions from the data simpler.

Data science is something I do everyday. It is something I have always done.
From my geeky love of weird sequences such as Fibonacci and hours spent as a pre-teen on my own creating my own unique logical sequences and custom cryptographic code, to my years as that-guy-in-class-that-doesn’t-use-a-calculator-to-do-his-math-but-rather-does-it-all-in-his-head, to my late teenage conquests of being that-guy-who-solved-the-rubik’s-cube-in-1-min-27-secs-flat-while-barely-even-looking-at-it-the-whole-time; to my latter years as an aerospace engineering student / honours graduate & now doing full-fledged data science work as a professional service, I have always been involved in one way, shape or form, in data science.

In my life as a data scientist, I have found that some things just come naturally to me. Other things, not so much. One thing though has stayed consistent. If I want an answer, I search for it. I find it!
If I’m puzzled by a problem, I ask, I read, I google, I annoy, I pester, until I solve it or find a solution!

Data science is exactly this!

  Be curious.
  Feed your curiousity.
  Find a problem.
  Fix it (or learn 1000 ways it can’t be fixed)
  Repeat above steps.

For a lot of people though, the first step is the hardest. So I thought I’d give you a little nudge in the right direction. Awaken that curiousity if you will.

I read a lot of posts on data science, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. I also post every now and then on these topics on my twitter or my flipboard microblogs.
Among some of the things I have been reading, I thought it would be helpful to compile a list of some introductory data science topics & blogs I’ve recently read that may help. A basic guideline I wish I had when I first started my career.

They are, (in no particular order):

The Basics

Intermediate to Advanced

(Other) Interesting Reads


UPDATE: Friday 24th February, 2017 @ 18:39 hours z
If you click through to none of those links above, you should definitely not leave this blog post without reading this.
Brandon Rohrer, Principal Data Scientist at Facebook puts it ever so simply.

You'll be glad you did!

Leave a comment or share this post if you found it useful.

Sunday 22 January 2017

I stayed away from Social Media for 7 days --- it didn’t kill me

...something else almost did. Read on to find out what!  ;)

 by Paul Ekwere

Capture - phone screenshot.PNG
I decided not to use Social Media for a week.
Crazy?..... maybe…..  Impossible?...... nope! …. Cathartic? ……. Oh hell Yeah, without a doubt!

So what led me to this decision?.... I’m glad you asked! :)

Every day of our lives, we are inundated with an endless stream of notifications on our devices --- laptops, tablets and smartphones…. especially the smartphones!
Barely a minute passes by without the usual “X just liked your post on twitter”.....”Y and 63 others liked your picture on Instagram”...”Your post on 500px is now upcoming”.... “ Z mentioned you in a comment on Facebook”.... “John Doe and 9 others viewed your profile on LinkedIn”.

It’s great to be ‘in the know’ and keep up-to-date on what’s happening. It does however have it’s detrimental effects. It’s easy to get sucked into this modern day convention, always needing to know everything right now! With some it gets so bad that you could develop psychological and physiological health problems such as ‘Phantom Vibration Syndrome’ or ‘ringxiety’ ---  a condition where the sufferer suffers a form of tactile or auditory hallucination caused by the false perception of one’s mobile phone (or other primary communication device) ringing or vibrating when it is not.
Yep! ‘Ringxiety’! --- it’s a real thing. Look it up. There’s loads of other really serious ailments that could come about from being addicted to mobile phones and the like. Another good example is text neck’.

I suffer from neither of these conditions.
For me, the decision to not use social media for a while came from a much simpler thought process.
You may not suffer any ailment as a result of time spent on tablets and smartphones but therein lies the problem itself (I said it already and you didn’t even notice) ----- TIME!

Using the american populace as a benchmark for the rest of us, it is estimated that we spend about 20% of all online time on social media with Facebook accounting for 14% of that time.
The average person has 5 social media accounts and spends a lot of their day poring through, consuming and generating even more content.

All of this amounts to valuable time. Time that you can use to do a whole lot more and be productive.
My epiphany came over the weekend reading the new book by South African comedian and TV personality, Trevor Noah titled ‘Born a Crime’. (fascinating read by the way, I think everyone should read this book!)
Trevor tells the story of his life, growing up as a mixed race kid in apartheid South Africa and the numerous challenges he faced, one of which was ‘street hustling’. He talks about how much useful time he wasted waking up every morning, expending a lot of energy, making just enough money to get by, and spending it all again, pretty much dialing back to zero.
‘Time wasted’
He used a very ‘colourful’ metaphor though.

And that was it for me. Talking to a very good friend about this later that evening the decision was an easy one to make. “Let’s experiment. One week. No social media. You in?..... Cool!”

Day 1
3 am. At a bar with some friends. Stood in the queue to use the loo. This is boring. What do I do now? No real conscious thought. Just force of habit…. Phone comes out. Whats happening on my Instagram ?...Oops!... *closes Instagram app*... phone back in pocket.
Hmmmmm…. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Day 2
I don’t feel so good. I really, really do not feel good.
No, it’s not the social media thing, I could care less. I’m in a lot of pain. Physical pain. Please tell me it’s not that blasted pharyngitis again! I can’t do this right now.
6:15pm - confirmed. Doctor says it is pharyngitis…. Again! *sigh*

Day 3
In bed. Very sick.  Hello painkillers.

Day 4
Still sick. Please go away.

Day 5
(Obviously) getting better.

Day 6
I'm back from work and my thumbs are itching. I've got quite a few notifications now on different social media platforms.
I've opened Instagram once and promptly shut it after remembering I'm not supposed to.
I'm still determined to prove to myself that you can live without some of these modern day accoutrements.
1 day to go Paulie … hang in there. Barely 24 hours to go!

Day 7
Gosh this house is a mess! Spring cleaning time. Funny, I’ve actually not missed social media that much. ….Okay, maybe just a little.

Day 8 (Freedom)!
Oh wait…
It’s 1:25 am? I can actually get back on social media now??? Meh!  It can wait. Going to bed.
Yawn. 9:25am. Need to take my medication.
OK. 9:40am. So what did we miss?
  • Facebook (23 notifications, 2 new friend requests)
  • My Twitter (1 like, 1 mention, oh and some guy I know has joined twitter. Great. I needed to know that)
  • LinkedIn (12 notifications: some people published posts, some people viewed my page, some people commented on posts I’ve previously commented on.)
  • 500px (4 likes)
  • My Instagram photography page (13 notifications in all, 2 comments, 3 new followers, a couple of likes)
  • My Instagram art page (1 mention, 3 new followers, 1 like)
  • Youtube (22 notifications)
(Oh yeah, Donald Trump got inaugurated on Friday)

10:12am well. Doesn’t seem like I missed that much after all.

Closing Statement
It’s funny how dependent we get on something without realizing it. Apart from being ill for the majority of my self-imposed social media exile, I did notice that personally, I had a lot more time to catch up with family, read books and even when not doing much, my thought process seemed to be a lot clearer with fewer distractions.

All-in-all, it’s really not a big deal not using social media for a while. You can actually survive with minimal to zero social media use. It is good for a lot of things.

Use it. But don’t let it use you!
I definitely recommend everyone tries this at some point. I guarantee you’ll be a lot better for it.

Just…. Don’t tell your friends.
Especially if they’re all sat round a table with you and have their phones on them!





DISCLAIMER: Tell your boyfriend / girlfriend, husband / wife, parents, kids before you do stupid s**t like this. Also, ensure that you have a steady means of communication during this time. If your primary communication means with family and friends is WhatsApp, please keep using WhatsApp and ignore all others. I will not be held liable if your girlfriend dumps you, your wife files for divorce, or the police knocks at your door at 5 am on day 3 because you’ve been declared a ‘missing person’ by your loved ones!