Sunday 9 July 2017


We all have a profound social responsibility to each other with our use of Technology

by Paul Ekwere

Image Credit: The Circle by Dave Eggars
We are at a pivotal point in the history of the human race.
Advances in the areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, data analytics, big data, genomics, mean that as a human race we can do anything, go anywhere, be anywhere, experience it all, achieve great things.

Technology and its many advancements however come with risks. Present and future risks.

The dearth of privacy, the further potential division of society into further distinct and further apart classes based on race, wealth, increasing unemployment, natural (or customised) genomic makeup, cyber crime and advanced cyber warfare to mention but a few are all very real risks that come with our technological advancements.

I could go on. I won't.

Technology can be used for a great many other beautiful things too. A unending list of good things. And in fact, it already has.

Our technology of today, has the power to magnify our good or ill will on an astronomical scale, affecting all around us including ourselves, and further accelerating the course of human history for better, or for worse.

My advice to all including self, is simply this.. Think of the impact... Think of the greater good... Think of Societal benefit more than you do personal gain; Because as with any 'tool' ever employed by homo sapiens, it starts with the heart... It starts with your prime intentions... It starts with you.



Epilogue: My inspiration for this short piece begins with a lazy sunday morning waking up and feeling awful with a nasty sore throat that wasn't there when I (eventually) went to bed at 3am. I decided to take my medication, lie down on my couch and pick a random movie to watch. Netflix seems to have studied enough of my data on movie and series watching patterns to know that I'd love the movie 'The Circle'. I did. I also found it very inspiring. I suggest you watch it too.

Ah, Netflix. You know me so well. A little disturbing when you think about it. Ah well, Touché.

.::. Paulie .::.

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